Everything in this picture was free...actually they paid me $0.25 to take it.
Live Active Cereal $2.84 used $3 coupon here
Purina Puppy Chow $4.12 used $4 coupon here
Kotex 16 ct. $1.00 used $1 coupon here or in All You magazine
John Freida FrizzEase Mousse $0.97 used $1 coupon in All You magazine
Vlasic Dill Relish $1.oo used $1 coupon here
Buddies Soap $0.94 each used 2 $1 coupons here or $2 coupon here (read the fine print)
Glade Air Freshner $0.94 used $1 coupon in All You Magazine
Adidas Deodorant $3.74 used free coupon from All You Magazine
(All links are courtesy of Money Saving Mom, thanks.)
That left me with $.25 cents overage, but I needed to buy a tomato, a head of lettuce and some taco seasoning, so the total I paid for everything was $2.51. I hope you guys are as excited as I am about this. How cool is that? You should all go to Wal-mart and try this today. Oh, by the way, the All You magazine that I mentioned is sold at Wal-mart for $1.97 and it pays for itself every time. I used the May issue for my shopping trip, so you might not be able to get everything I got, but the June issue probably has some other great coupons. By the way, some coupons will let you print them twice if you push the backspace button after the first one has printed.
I am so excited about "buying" stuff with coupons, it makes a run to Wal-mart actually fun instead of frustrating. Let me know how it works out for you and if you have any problems getting the coupons. Good luck.
HAHAHAH! I do this all the time! I visit those sites every day to see what I can get for free or cheap. I seriously get a personal high from getting a good deal! Those are some amazing deals you got! I have used the LiveActive coupons and I actually think the cereal is quite good!
I learned about these websites through yours, so thank you. I too get a high from walking out of the store with a couple bags of groceries for so cheap. I feel like I'm stealing or something. :)
I've heard of this using coupons to get stuff for free or be paid to take it thing before. I'm still not sure I'm ready to bite off figuring it all out. P.S. If the sun will ever come out, Cathy and I are going to start hiking- wanna come?
All I can say is you're an inspiration, and Ryan will be bugging my about this once he reads your post....
I go through stages. I'll cut coupons out and get so excited for the next time I go grocery shopping and without fail I forget them.
This post has nothing to do with coupons and everything to do with Blake's mad cooking skills. He threw together some spices tonight and made some dang good onion rings, although he hadn't made them before. Blake likes to put random ingredients together and pulls it off with much success. Rachel Ray, as well as the rest of us, could learn a thing or two from him.
That is all.
You're awesome! I have been trying to do this same thing. I will let you know what I find out (if I find any)
I was always discouraged by coupons for the same reason, store brand was still cheaper. I even cut out from all the ads to take to Walmart and get the cheapest deal (they will match) and only 1 or 2 things were cheaper. Waste of a couple hours of my day!! And I felt kind of like an idiot wiht all my ads in my envelope. I felt like an 80 year old lady actually.
By the way, where do I get the All in you magazine? (now I forgot if that's what it's called...)
My hat is off to you Kris. Youare tunring into super mom! :)
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